Tuesday, April 29, 2014

And Introducing The New Band On The Web: The Side Show Girls!

Hello one, and hello all!
We welcome new fans and older fans alike to stay updated with us on this blog.

Who are we, you ask?

We're a band. A theatrical punk band to be exact. Our theatrics range from party girls to aliens. We like to stay creative and flexible.

Since our page is just starting out, we're not quite at perfection yet, but believe me, I'm working on it all the time.

Who's in the band? Well, there's Suzie Suicide, Hollie Homicide, Geva Genocide, and Mary Matricide who are on the stage and rocking away. As for the rest of us, we're behind the scenes help.

Who is this doing the posting? I am, the ever loyal and ever committed, Marilyn Monster. I run this blog, and this is what you'll find here: updates on what the band's doing, where they'll be playing, and how you can get to see them. Also my thoughts and insights on what's going with the band and behind the scenes.

We're all feeling pretty positive about this happening. Stay up to date with us on here!

-Marilyn out